Sunday, December 19, 2010

Flower Power

Here is another flower I completed last month. It is a orange lilly, I think, not sure though... It was done on a large canvas in oil paint. It's pretty, right? Oh how big it is. I like to paint large flowers. It is fun. It was a little hard to get a lot of detail into the flower, though since it is highly saturated in orange, But I tried the best as was possible. Hope you enjoy!

(Ohh, there's a little oil dribble on the left side. I wish I could get rid of it.)

Friday, November 5, 2010

My Butterfly painting

This painting following my flower theme is my butterfly painting. There is a very beautiful monach butterfly. It's fantastic. And I even caught my stages of painting!

Oil on canvas 16x20. I found the image on google images and just decided to paint it.
Phase one:

Phase two:

Phase three:

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Flower Focus

For the month of September and October I have decided to choose a topic of focus for painting...

So, of course, I chose the flower and I have been really focusing on the most prettiest I can find. Flowers are my delight because their beauty is awe inspiring. Here are two that I did recently. They are rather large on 16x20 canvas. Both were done oil paint. That is my medium of choice. They each took me a good two or three days to complete. I usually worked on it in my free time. Drawing, painting then perfecting and retouching. These are my first paintings of flowers on a large canvas.

The first one here is taken from this photo on the right. Taken from a Yard Flowers website, I forget which one (there are so many). It is called an Asiatic white lilly.

The second is painting is from an Easter Seals Calender 2010 of May. They are called narcissus flowers. They were orignially white I changed it up and made them purple-ish. Its unique.

Well, I hope you like them! "Enjoy your world!"- thats what I say. My mom really enjoys my paintings and so do I.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Weather Today

Are you hot? It's hot today! I think I'm sweating bullets. Literally it's a scorching 90 something degrees outside in early September. Indian summer I suppose. But all in all I thank God for the warmth. I will miss it when it is gone. I like summer time, more free time and more vacations. I also tend to enjoy fall too. Fall is the start of something new. I love it. Those are my favorite seasons.

I hope your enjoying the changing seasons. Every season is a season of hope... Enjoy.

Here are some pretty cute red flowers, I found. Red is the color for heat...

God bless.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Painting Outdoors

Here is something I did during the summer. This was done with acrylic paint on a stretched canvas. I went to a small funtion where a group of painters gathered outdoors to paint. They set up tables and snacks and we just spent the day drawing or painting from the same scenery before us. This was my first time, and I was surprised to find it done on cemetary grounds. However, it wasn't as creepy as I thought it would be. It was actually very tranqual. This pond was the focus and this is what I saw and what I created.
I know... I know...this is not the same likeness of the scene in the photo but it was my interpretation of the scenery. Capturing the likeness of dull colors is something I am not too great at, I tend to favor bright colors. This is not my greatest work but I think I found another aspect of the scenery through my vision. It has a very carribean feel to it. By the way, painting is the funnest thing to do no matter where it is!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Summer fun Painting

This summer, I'm trying my hand at painting again. Just till now I realized what a nice way to share my work is to blog about. I hope you enjoy what you see. I am excited about my work!
These first two were done in acrylic paint. I am new to this medium. But it is growing on me because it dries so fast it takes getting used to. My old medium is oil paint. I like oil paint cause you can work with it so well. It was the first paint medium I learned through Bob Ross (...anyone remember him from TV?). These paintings were inspired from two places.The first is was a card cover and the second is from a hair magazine cover. (a picture of Rihanna.) I changed it a bit as usual.

This flower was done on a small canvas in oil paint. The flower is from an Easter Seals calender photo. I think the month was July 2010.

This is a rather large painting of a tiger. It was done in acrylic also. I really like this tiger!!

This was a picture on a greeting card. I took it, recaptured the essance and added a bit of things to it, like the kite. It looks alot different. I really like this one alot. That country feel is so lovely.

This is some of my work done over the summer. More to come!!