Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Summer fun Painting

This summer, I'm trying my hand at painting again. Just till now I realized what a nice way to share my work is to blog about. I hope you enjoy what you see. I am excited about my work!
These first two were done in acrylic paint. I am new to this medium. But it is growing on me because it dries so fast it takes getting used to. My old medium is oil paint. I like oil paint cause you can work with it so well. It was the first paint medium I learned through Bob Ross (...anyone remember him from TV?). These paintings were inspired from two places.The first is was a card cover and the second is from a hair magazine cover. (a picture of Rihanna.) I changed it a bit as usual.

This flower was done on a small canvas in oil paint. The flower is from an Easter Seals calender photo. I think the month was July 2010.

This is a rather large painting of a tiger. It was done in acrylic also. I really like this tiger!!

This was a picture on a greeting card. I took it, recaptured the essance and added a bit of things to it, like the kite. It looks alot different. I really like this one alot. That country feel is so lovely.

This is some of my work done over the summer. More to come!!


  1. WOW, WOW, WOW!!! You are soooo talented!! I could so see the tiger hanging in a children's hospital, and the painting of the lady in a an elegant fashion store! All of them are awesome!!

  2. Thanks Eve, nice to have a place to see their possibilities!!
